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We are open on Hari Raya Haji (17 Jun)! | Call Simplicite at +65 6677 6741 or Platform 1094 at +65 6204 6003 to make a reservation!


Simplicité is The new Fresh Fruits Lab

Simplicité is heavily inspired by Modern French Parisian Cafes.

On his and her travels many years ago, our founder traveled to the City of Love. There they made many memories of which the local cafes played a heavy role. Now, many years later, Simplicité serves as a tribute to the beauty of the Paris cafe scene.

The concept is simple and clean, the fresh aromas of coffee, a bite of pastry, a fulfilling meal, and a great space to feel at home. Serving up comforting Modern European style cuisines, Simplicité is our love of a time and space taken shape.

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